What is cleancool A critically important part of any clothing system is the next-to-skin layer, which must provide the basis of a sweat management system. CLEANCOOL does that- and more. Developed by Sinotextiles Corporation Ltd.£¬CLEANCOOL combines the softness of cotton and the cool, easy care properties of polyester to keep you fresh and cool all the time. With its anti-microbial effect, the CLEANCOOL also protects you from germs harmful to the human body The secret of CLEANCOOL is in its multi-channel cross section, special textile design and finishing. It applies the capillary theory to textile developmentand move moisture away from the skin to the outer layer of , the fabric. It then dries that moisture faster than any other fabrics, and thermo-regulates the body. Despite its relatively hydrophobic basis, the integral surface channels and the resulting greater surface area of CLEANCOOL provide a great ability to transport liquid moisture along the surface of the fiber. The irregular network of fibers creates numerous contact points, giving rise to capillary action, which is important for the transport of liquid moisture. These multi-fiber contact points do not occur with traditional round fibers because of their geometry. The excellent transport, drying and comfort characteristics of CLEANCOOL ensures that perspiration does not accumulate, but quickly reaches the surface where it is released to the surrounding air, thus the skin stays direr longer. Moisture traps in the microclimate close to the skin are avoided for longer. Although CLEANCOOL fabrics move moisture quickly, individual fibers do not absorb moisture readily (in fact about 1% by weight co***red with over 10% by weight for cotton fibers). This helps CLEANCOOL fabrics to dry quickly and reduces the potential for odor, bacteriological, or mildew attack. Additionally, with its anti-microbial component, NANO size silver (Ag) contained in the fiber, CLEANCOOL eliminates various harmful germs and odor-causing germs. At the same time, due to its p |